Nuggets in Nutshells

You don’t know until you do

The more awareness you can bring to bear on any action, the more feedback you get from the experience, and the more naturally you learn what works best. There is no substitute for learning from experience. You don’t know until you do. attention action

Be your own Pavlov

Committing to action is necessary but not sufficient. To do something new/different you need to know what do to and when to do it so that it becomes automatic. Be your own Pavlov - hashtagCueToDo hashtagaction

Anticipation is better than realisation

My gran used to say “anticipation is better than realisation”. James Clear says your brain has far more neural circuitry allocated for wanting rewards than for liking them. The same idea, poetry vs prose. attention mindfulness

Learning and changing

We don’t change by learning, we learn by changing, says Steven Brownlow. A nice head-spinner,