Speak with Authority

         Clarity  ¦  Confidence  ¦  Connection

   Who are you to suffer from impostor syndrome?

If you are like 70% of people, at some point in life you will suffer from “impostor syndrome”, wondering how long it will be before somebody realises you are faking it. Even high-achievers aren’t immune, especially in high-pressure situations. You may know from experience how self-doubt can seriously undermine you in important meetings and presentations.

You are not alone. I can help, using a powerful combination of body and mind techniques. I teach professionals how to deal with the gremlins that hamper them, and focus instead on critical variables that are guaranteed to make a positive difference. I will help you connect with your authority and embody it, so that you are better able to communicate with greater confidence and clarity in any situation.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at diam condimentum, fringilla est in, dapibus nunc. Etiam vehicula est eu sollicitudin imperdiet. Integer eu eros at turpis lobortis sodales eu ac quam. Donec suscipit lorem ac odio venenatis sodales. Morbi aliquam, lacus nec venenatis suscipit, elit urna condimentum enim, ac vulputate ex sapien et ex. Donec a felis et diam tristique rutrum. Vivamus scelerisque dignissim viverra. Praesent dictum, nibh at molestie venenatis, justo sem bibendum diam, eu malesuada urna augue id justo. Curabitur sed interdum tellus.

In ac tortor cursus, porta arcu quis, pulvinar justo. Ut varius purus vitae purus dignissim luctus. Proin tincidunt pulvinar ante ut imperdiet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur ac viverra mauris. Etiam sem ex, viverra nec elit congue, efficitur mattis lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec quis interdum magna.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at diam condimentum, fringilla est in, dapibus nunc. Etiam vehicula est eu sollicitudin imperdiet.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at diam condimentum, fringilla est in, dapibus nunc. Etiam vehicula est eu sollicitudin imperdiet.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris at diam condimentum, fringilla est in, dapibus nunc. Etiam vehicula est eu sollicitudin imperdiet.


I don’t know

Recently I came across an article about mindfulness and meditation in The Times. In the comments section, there were the predictable remarks about “woo” and “fad” and how mindfulness is just another meaningless buzzword to con people. I can relate to that criticism of “mindfulness” and I almost never talk about it. So rather than giving it a name as I talk about it here, I’m calling it [……………. ]. I have practiced various approaches to [……………. ] on and off for the past 30 years or so. The past 6-7 years it has been 20 minutes a day “formally”,…

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What, Why, How and Who

WHAT you do matters. WHY you do it may matter more. WHY is about your motivation. Your purpose. It’s WHY that makes an activity feel meaningful. The way you do it – the HOW – probably matters even more. Because HOW you do things permeates every instant and every action and ultimately builds WHO you are – the way you habitually show up in the world, whatever you do. Whether or not you know WHAT and/or WHY, pay attention to your HOW.

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