Nuggets in Nutshells

There’s learning, and there’s learning about

Learning to do something involves the whole body. Learning about something does not

What, Why, How and Who

WHAT you do matters.
WHY you do it may matter more. WHY is about your motivation. Your purpose. It's WHY that makes an activity feel meaningful.
The way you do it - the HOW - probably matters even more.
Because HOW you do things permeates every instant and every action and ultimately builds WHO you are - the way you habitually show up in the world, whatever you do.
Whether or not you know WHAT and/or WHY, pay attention to your HOW.

Between impulse and action

Freedom is found in the space between impulse and action. One of the many benefits of meditation is becoming better able to notice thoughts and urges as they arise - attention clarity

An attitude of gratitude

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude makes life sweeter for you and for everyone round you. So I thank you for reading these words and weighing them up