Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

I don’t know

Recently I came across an article about mindfulness and meditation in The Times. In the comments section, there were the predictable remarks about “woo” and “fad” and how mindfulness is just another meaningless buzzword to con people.

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

Commit to Clarity

Transparency and being a bit vulnerable are the thing now. So how about trying the following approach the next time you make a presentation or speak at a meeting? It should sound familiar …

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

To command Attention, present with Attention

Your audience is spoiled rotten. Whenever it may be, whoever your audience might be – any audience – they’re pretty much certain to be spoiled. Pretty much certain to be infinitely distractible, to have short attention spans, to be twitchy and fickle.

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

Yeah yeah yeah, but…

In the early Noughties, when I lived near Amsterdam, I used to take part in a coaching group. I didn’t much like the guy who ran it, and I wasn’t crazy about the other people either. But I had a sense it was worth the trouble, so I regularly made the half-hour drive.

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

Who are you fooling?

I’m a sucker for honesty and authenticity and integrity and congruence and being true to yourself and all that good stuff. I’ve even said in public that I have a life-long aversion to bullshit, including my own. That seems to resonate with people.

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

Digitally disembodied

You are reading this on the Internet, so you have probably developed some level of digitally-enabled “ambient awareness”.

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Medium Andrew Eberlin Medium Andrew Eberlin

The benefits of (not) being Patrick Stewart

Walking into an upscale restaurant in rural France on a Bank Holiday break, I was on my way towards our table and nodded politely to the couple at the next table. After a brief hesitation, the lady of the couple reacted.

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